Friday, June 8, 2007

The Optimist's Creed

The other day I got an email from The Secret Scrolls, a newsletter written by Rhonda Byrne, producer of The Secret. In it, she wrote about the "past greats", teachers who inspired The Secret, and encouraged her readers to experience "The Optimist's Creed" by Christian D. Larson. Written almost 100 years ago, it has now been updated and made into a wonderful website slideshow at

Rhonda writes, "Be sure to read the words "I Promise Myself" at the beginning of every new line and you will maximize all the power of The Secret."

She's right. I did so and felt chills running down by spine. I went ahead and printed the last page from the website and now have it on my wall to read before I leave the house.

Being an optimist is one of the most beneficial things you can do for yourself and others. Having an intention to be positive during your day to day activities makes all the difference, and everything you do has a ripple effect on the lives of everyone you touch.

"There is no greater force for change in the world than a truly happy, passionate, and caring person." - Barry Neil Kaufman, founder of The Option Institute.


Unknown said...

Hi Nathan,
I too was deeply moved by this scroll. As with all secret merch this is beautifully produced thus adding to the overall impact. If we all read this once daily the world would be a better place, and each of us better individuals. Kudos Rhonda.

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